Jeremy Stanley is a young professional Christian juggler currently living in Columbus, Ohio. Despite only being in his early twenties, Jeremy has over thirteen years of performing experience. Jeremy first learned how to juggle in his hometown Morgantown, West Virginia at a kids day camp when he was just ten years old. Shortly after learning how to juggle he was invited to join the West Virginia University Juggling club as the first non college student. It was with the club he fell in love with performing as he performed for schools, libraries, university events, nursing homes, churches, West Virginia University basketball half-time shows and more.
In 2004 he attended his first International Juggling Festival in Buffalo New York, where he performed in the youth showcase and competed in his first world joggling (running while juggling) championship. Since then he has competed and performed at numerous international juggling festivals all over the country. In total Jeremy has won 22 international juggling medals and have appeared several times in “Juggle Magazine.” (The International Juggler’s Association Magazine). Jeremy can often be seen performing and competing at many smaller regional festivals throughout the year. At these festivals he has competed and won many juggling games.
It was at his first International Juggling Convention in 2004, he learned about the Christian Juggler’s Association and has been a member ever since. It is through this wonderful organization that he first learned about combining juggling and ministry together. Since joining the Christian Juggler’s Association majority of his juggling has been for christian events. Jeremy has performed and spoken for hundreds of church functions all around the world such as church services, VBS’s, Church Dinners, Camps, Retreats, Upward Ceremonies, Ministry Banquets, and a whole lot more.
Besides being an extraordinary juggler; Jeremy is also a pastor in Columbus, OH. Prior to pastoring Jeremy received his bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. He also recently received his Master’s of Ministry from Mount Vernon as well. Jeremy is currently a District Licensed Minister in the Church of the Nazarene and hopes to be ordained in the near future. As a Pastor himself, Jeremy deeply desires to see others follow Christ. It is for this reason he combines juggling and ministry together. Jeremy doesn’t consider himself an entertainer, but a juggler with a message to share. Jeremy hopes to be entertaining, but more importantly he hopes to share the love of God with others.